Saturday, May 1, 2010

Who's Gaurding the Gate? Part 1

It amazes me that only six percent of the American population reports itself as atheist and yet they have Christianity on the run! Of all the many issues we should be concerned about in our current American society, the rise of anti-Christian sentiment in governmental policies and politics should be our first concern; yes, even more so than freedom of speech. Why, you may be asking yourself would I say this since freedom of speech secures our right to teach and talk about our personal religious beliefs. It is for this reason, when people are afraid to speak, they don't, and in our current society, speaking the Christian message has become taboo. The result is that the real Christian message is becoming painfully screwed for the enemy is a crafty old dog that breeds confusion; he has Americans defending the wolf in sheep's clothing and slaughtering the sheep! We see a clear example of this in the resent case of the Westboro Baptist Church's protest which took place during the funeral of the young American soldier. Protesters held signs with such messages as "God Hates You" and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers". Now you may be asking yourself 'why were these supposed Christian protesters saying such things'. The answer is that they believe that no one should stand in the defense of a country that is willing to allow homosexual citizens a place in society. Wow...without a clear and correct spiritual understanding of the Christian faith, things could start to look a bit murky here. In the case of the Westboro Baptist Church, its gone beyond murky to muddy and with the ACLU, which jumped to their defense, Christianity in America is being thrown beyond the mud, straight into the quicksand!

Perhaps it's time for a lesson in Christianity 101. Let's start at the beginning. God created all of us with a free will so that we could choose between good and evil for ourselves. Yes I believe that acting on homosexual tendencies is an intrinsic evil, but as a Christian, I am to lovingly commend any person who engages in such activity to God. Consider Matthew 22:36-40, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Further, the Lord never said 'I love a few of you enough to give My only begotten Son'; He said..."For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16) We must remember that Jesus told us that he did not come for the righteous, but for sinners. But, let's not get confused,, we Christians should not support the gay agenda, (and my dear brothers and sisters, there is a gay agenda which I will talk about more in part II of 'Who's guarding the Gate?'.)

This brings us to the matter of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)which never seems to defend a Christian's right to anything except in the case of such persons that can defame the entire Christian population as did the Westboro Baptist Church. In this one example given, think about the how cunning the enemy has proven himself to be! He has managed to confuse the matter to such a degree that good Christian people are hesitant to speak out about the matter for fear of being linked to the Westboro crazies or the gay rights movement or even as working against freedom of speech. But don't be hesitant, for freedom of speech should not include harassing grieving families during a funeral, but should at the same time allow those Westboro folks to say whatever they want about the funeral in another environment or forum. And we don't have to condone homosexual behaviors in speaking against what the Westboro protesters did! And yes we can defend our nation which does give homosexuals a right to exist peacefully in our society, as it also bestows on us the same rights, (though their are those who seek to destroy us.) And we certainly can love and honor our brave son's who are dieing to defend and promote liberty in this country and around the world! So go on Christian soldiers, and speak about the truth as taught to you by Jesus and let us cry out, 'We are not afraid! We are not afraid, our God is with us!! We go forward in love and peacefulness to FIGHT for our religious freedoms, spreading the gospel as we go!'

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