Saturday, March 27, 2010

Becoming Real

Three days ago, feeling unable to stand anymore, and recognizing my neglectful silence, I joined the Tea Party. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.

I sent the following email to the noted FOX network addresses. I encourage others to do the same.[]

I cannot express the shock and disgust I feel at FOX having aired the Family Guy episode on Terry Schiavo's suffering, portraying it as a laughable joke. Apparently FOX suffers from an inability to control its sadistic broadcasting schizophrenia, allowing its true eugenic liberal socialist interests to air. This being the case, I will make it my personal mission to point out FOX's illness to every person I am able and aggressively promote both the boycott on all of the Familey Guy sponsors as well as alerting the conservative population across the country that they are being manipulated by FOX. I will stress to my fellow Tea Party Patriots that along with pushing for the changes we seek in the government, we should also expect to see SERIOUS changes in broadcasting and FOX should be our first point of attack!! While the passage of the health care bill showed Americans that the statement 'Democrats for Life' is an oxymoron, the resent Family Guy episodes about Terry Schiavo and Sarah Palin's disabled son says that FOX is true to its name!! FOX owes a very public apology to Terry Schivo's parents and other family members, to Trig Palin, his parents and other family members, and to the American population!!!!!!!

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